UUP Pride Everywhere for Everyone - Panel Discussion

Wednesday, June 28, 2023, 12–1 pm


 Dear Colleague,

Across the county, attacks on LGBTQ+ civil liberties are on the rise. From banning books to drag shows, extremists are targeting the LGBTQ+ and other marginalized communities by legislating discrimination. UUP’s response has been to approve a resolution supporting legislation before the New York State legislature banning non-essential state travel to states that have implemented laws that discriminate against those belonging to protected classes.

On Wednesday, June 28th at 12 PM, I invite you to join me and other UUP Leaders who will engage in a meaningful discussion on UUP Pride Everywhere for Everyone. The purpose of the panel discussion is to provide an overview of the resolution passed by the Delegate Assembly, update on the legislative action, and to promote gender and sexuality related UUP advocacy efforts at both the state and federal levels.

Panelists include:
Fred Kowal – UUP Statewide President
Carolyn Kube – UUP Statewide Vice President for Professionals
Kelly Keck – UUP GSI Committee chair; Executive Board member; Delhi Chapter President
Chris Black – Director of Legislative & Political Affairs

We urge you and your colleagues to register in advance to attend this meaningful virtual event (see attached flyer).

We also encourage you to utilize the UUP Pride Month Social Media Toolkit by sharing the images on your personal and chapter’s social media outlets during the month of Pride and please consider displaying the UUP Pride virtual backgrounds while on meetings.

Please share this information with your colleagues. I hope to see you on June 28 for this important discussion.

In solidarity,


Frederick E. Kowal, Ph.D.
United University Professions