Professionals Town Hall

Thursday, December 2, 2021, 12–1 pm


Dear Colleague, 


Did you miss the negotiations town hall session at your chapter or regional meeting?  You can still lend your voice to the process of shaping UUP negotiations priorities.   

We invite you to join us for a statewide negotiations townhall for HSC professionals. UUP Chief Negotiator Bret Benjamin and UUP Counsel to the President Elizabeth Hough will provide an overview on contract negotiations preparations. We will take member feedback on the provisions that should be included in the next contract and answer any questions. This session will focus particularly on those concerns that directly affect HSC professionals. 

The townhall will be on December 2, 2021, at 12 PM.  Please click here to register for the session.   

UUP represents you at the table, so make your contract priorities known. Many thanks for your participation. 

Yours in union, 

Frederick E. Kowal, Ph.D.
United University Professions