Legislative Agenda Town Hall Meeting

Monday, December 21, 2020, 12–1 pm



I am happy to announce a second virtual town hall for our membership to give input, suggestions, and creative ideas for policy initiatives at the state and federal level. We previously announced this week’s town hall which is taking place on December 17th at 6pm. We will hold a second town hall on Monday, December 21st at 12:00 noon.  These will be hosted by our statewide co-chairs of the Outreach Committee -- Pamela Malone and Carolyn Kube. 

To register for either town hall please visit here https://bit.ly/UUP2021.

If you are unable to attend the town halls you can always make submissions via our website;s online portal: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1SWrzKAmumDYX6REYFuNPQtrxOKpqKIP_9OrZ7Zzwldo/viewform?edit_requested=true

We are making progress each and every day thanks to the hard work of our member activists. Please join us in this fight and add your voice to UUP’s legislative agenda.

In Solidarity,

Fred Kowal
UUP President