Pay Raise Delayed (Again)

Wednesday, September 30, 2020


Dear Colleagues, 

This weekend we received notification from the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations (GOER) that the state is delaying implementation of our 2020 2% across-the-board salary increases for at least another 90 days. The earliest these raises could be paid is January 1, 2021. UUP’s negotiated raises were due to our members on July 1 or Sept 1 (depending on obligation).


This additional delay involves approximately 80,000 New York State employees, including those in UUP, the Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA), and other state employee bargaining units.


UUP’s July/September 2% increase is contractually provided for in the 2016-2022 NYS-UUP Agreement. After being notified by GOER in June of the first delay, UUP filed class action grievances covering the delayed raises as well as delays in implementing increases in minimum salaries scheduled to take effect in 2020. These include minimum salaries for adjuncts. UUP also filed an Improper Practice with the NYS Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) on behalf of residents working in facilities associated with SUNY's academic medical centers. Given the repeated delays in implementing our negotiated raises, we are considering our entire range of options. I will discuss these with the Chapter Presidents on our call on Wednesday. 


While we did not agree with, or accept these delays, we understand that the state’s decision is driven by the state budget crisis that has developed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  To address this crisis, it is critical that the federal government provide desperately needed assistance to state and local governments across the country, including New York.  Given the situation in Washington right now, it is fair to conclude that it's unlikely that help will come from there before November 3rd. So, it is more critical than ever for New York State to pass an “Ultra-Millionaires’ tax” and a “Billionaires’ tax.” Additionally, we will be increasing our efforts to secure passage of the proposed reinstatement of the Tax on Stock Transfers. This option could generate over $1 billion in the first month! More information on these efforts will be forthcoming.


In the meantime, we need to continue to be heard at the federal level, as well as in Albany. Please take a few moments to send letters to federal and state legislators to press them to take action.


Tell U.S. Senators to pass the Heroes Act:


Tell NYS legislators to fund the state’s recovery:


Please distribute this information as widely as possible to your UUP chapter colleagues.


In Solidarity,

Fred Kowal
UUP President