Warning Bells!!

Thursday, October 12, 2023


Recently, a few of you have contacted the Chapter to report an alarming/concerning situation – upon the retirement/departure of a UUP member, the resulting vacancy has been assigned to, advertised for, and/or filled by a Foundation, rather than UUP/union, employee.

Obviously, if current state-line UUP positions are allowed to be moved to Foundation lines, the number of UUP members will be decreased. And, as we all know, there is strength in numbers! We do not want to lose that strength. 

The Chapter wants to thank you for being our “eyes and ears” in the workplace and reporting these concerns. We need to remain vigilant to prevent the further replacement of union jobs.

 If YOU have seen, heard, or experienced the issue described above, please contact the Chapter’s Labor Relations Specialist (Nick Whitman) or one of the Chapter Officers (President Tom Melendy, Vice President for Academics Jill Kramer, or Vice President for Professionals Jim Lichtenthal) as soon as possible.





We need specifics as to …

The rationale being used to justify reclassifying the position from UUP to Foundation; and,

To which Foundation the position be attached – UBF or RF; and,

What, if any, written documentation exists relative to the reclassification issue.

Any information relative to this issue would be appreciated. Thank you in advance for assisting us in researching and addressing this alarming issue. As stated above, we need to remain vigilant to prevent the continuing replacement of union jobs.